Competitors in the Nkandla Mayoral Race will have an opportunity of taking in some spectacular scenery as they run through a “cradle of Zulu history” on August 18.
The 10km event starts at the Vumanhlavu Clinic and ends at the Nkandla Sports Ground in the town of Nkandla. The 5km starts midway along the 10km route on the road from Eshowe to Nkandla.
Sponsored by the Nkandla Municipality, the event takes place in the heart of Zululand in an area steeped in historical and ecological significance, as well as natural beauty.
The Nkandla area takes its name from the Nkandla Forest which is home to the rare and endangered Karkloof Blue Butterfly, which has only been found in four areas, all in KwaZulu-Natal.

The forest and adjoining Mome Nature Reserve is also just five kilometres from the start and it has deep historical significance to go with the wealth of flora and fauna.
The forest was a hiding place for warriors as it is close to where the British claim to have killed the Zulu Chief Bhambatha in the Battle of Mome Gorge during the famous poll-tax armed rebellion in 1906. Zulu King Cetshwayo is also buried next to the Nkandla Forest.
While the area is situated in the heart of the Zululand battlefields, the Nkandla Mayoral Race will see athletes battling for athletic honours as well as the R10 000 first prize for the top men and women in the 10km event. The top five seniors, the top three juniors and winners in the various age categories will all earn cash prizes.
The 10km starts at 8am and the 5km fun run sets off an hour later. Race registration is from 10am to 4.30pm on Saturday, August 17 at the Nkandla Municipality as well as from 5am to 7am on the morning of the race at the start.
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